The No Negations Podcast Show Notes
Episode 87 – Support While Grieving

[00:24] – Welcome to the No Negations Podcast
[09:30] – If God asked, “have you done everything on earth you could do for me?” What would you say?
[13:33] – What are some steps to help others to get through the grieving process?
[18:05] – How do you help with grieving?
[19:30] – Death is a doorway, not an ending place. Walk through the valley with no fear. (Psalm 23)
[21:21] – How do comfort someone who does not believe in God?
[25:15] – What Your Family Should Know after you die – Leave them instruction/a Will
[27:14] – Everything is meaningless (Ecclesiastes Chapter 1, 2 & 3)
[29:55] – How is your relationship with Christ?
[32:52] – Jesus saw Mary and the Jews weeping, he was moved and troubled. (John 11:33)
[35:14] – Take A Ways
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