[00:24] – Welcome to the No Negations Podcast
[06:30] – Hebrews 5:7-9
[08:25] – Principles of Bible study. Ask the question: What brought Jesus to cry out and tears?
[09:40] – What was Jesus’ purpose for coming here?
[10:10] – Jesus offered up prayers and petitions with loud cries; what does that mean to me?
[11:10] – Christ was heard because of his reverent submission. We should do the same.
[12:05] – Although he was a son; he learned obedience. The Home Depot experience
[15:15] – Jesus speaking from his humanity, he was hungry, sleepy, and cried out.
[16:45] – “Perfect” means complete or mature.
[18:37] – Jesus became “the source of eternal salvation.”
[19:09] – He became the source of eternal salvation for who? Only those who “obey him.”
[20:10] – God wants us obedient, because Jesus was obedient to death (Philippians 2:5-11)
[20:25] – Praising, raising holy hands, but disobedient, God won’t know us (Matthew 7:21-22)
[22:40] – Here’s what scares me “almost not accepting Christ.”
[23:28] – A few months from Hell
[24:41] – Taking moms to church instead sharing Christ with her (Ephesians 4:11)
[25:25] – Why it is important to serve at a local church
[30:40] – Jesus is good enough for salvation, but lifestyle, political, and racial issues he’s not.
[32:56] – Torrie experiencing seizures analogy and hearing her father’s voice.
[36:06] – Jesus is high priest like Melchizedek, no beginning, no end (Hebrews 5:10)
[37:33] – Take Away